Dear Susan, hello
I just wanna tell you in short that my life is changing for better! I'm doing meditations for a year now with you and assisting course for abuse. My financial status is finally getting better. I am moving to my parents home and will do my own apartment here or maybe even two, and get some money from old apartment which is going for rent. YeY!! I feel more calm, my back pain which I have for 9 years is going away - It was a lot about my fears, guilt and shame... I have a job, even two beautiful white cats and my relationships are finally getting better.
Thank you for all of your work!
God bless you.
Hugs and big kiss
Ajda, Slovenia (2021)
Susan Ashley is one of the most authentic and integrity honouring healers I have experienced. She is sincere, direct but holds deep unconditional love for all aspects of your energetic self. As a holistic intuitive healer myself I recommend Susan above all to my loved ones and my own clients alike. For I know they will receive exactly what they need. Thank you Susan for being a healers' healer !
Leanne Aaliyah, USA
Center of Presence
(February, 2021)
Kassandra brought in by Susan
I've had a lifetime of psychic readings and channels and Susan brings in a very high frequency named Kassandra who's messages are all encompassing. Kassandra offers an awareness and expansiveness into every aspect of you and loving guidance as needed. Kassandra seems to know All that Is and even with this high level of channel it's like you're visiting with a dear friend in your living room. The experience must be had if you are moving forward in life and want to accelerate your Self.
Aruna M
What can one say about having such a powerful healing that generations of blockages are removed? I am so very thankful for having been guided to Susan and feel empowered now to actualize my desires and purpose in this life. I feel great already, but I believe I am lucky in this now and it was very needed. On this journey I am glad to have Susan to reach out to for help. Such important work Susan does. Many thanks and blessings - there is much yet to do!
Laura, Sweden
(September 2017)
Spirit lead me to Susan Ashley, I hadn't had a reading for years. Susan is open, friendly, warm & incredibly accurate. She gave me the most accurate reading I have ever received. It has been the catalyst for all sorts of wonderful change & incredible opportunities. I am very, very grateful to Susan for all the information she shared with me. It has been the catalyst I needed to refocus me & set me back on my path. Thank you Susan :-)
Kirsty, Perth, WA
(July 2015)
When I met Susan Ashley and I got in contact with Kassandra, a whole new world opened for me. I am endlessly grateful for this. Slowly, with several channelings, I was recognizing who I am and where I want to go and also what is my mission on this planet in this lifetime. Not without many challenges and a big effort, today I can feel the inner peace and I am looking forward to life. The channelings opened the deepest possible insight into myself and helped me to find myself. Thank you Kassandra! Thank you Susan Ashley!
Lučka, Slovenia
(March 2015)
I first visited Mrs. Susan Ashley at her home in Trubarjeva Street in Ljubljana (Slovenia). I was in the middle of a big personal and marriage crisis. Kassandra helped me - with unbelievable precision and heartfulness - to understand the situation. She presented the history of the relationship and predicted the outcome. The session was recorded and I listened the recording later million times. At the beginning I didn’t understand everything, but with the time I realized that every sentence means a particular point in time, in which her predictions materialize. It took approximately 2 years for the truth to become grounded. It was a wonderful experience and I would love to repeat it again.
Later I participated at 2 of her workshops. Every time I came home enriched with new realizations about who I am on different levels of being.
I believe that the energy works without any limitations. Just now that I am writing these words I have felt Susan’s earthly presence. How this works is a secret and the secret is blessed.
Everyone will fill when and how would like to meet Susan – don’t miss this inner call!
Urška, Slovenia
(March 2015)
Susan is an extremely clear and profound channel and a beautiful soul of Light. She will help you to grow by bring in understanding, healing and insight into your Life
and by providing practical guidance on how to bring about the desired changed. If you place your trust in her work, she will help you to walk back to the space in your heart.
Sibil, Luxembourg
(April, 2020)
Channeling with Kassandra
A must do channeling experience, which open your eyes for the purpose of life. Information full of content and massive inspirational motivation.
Margie, Australia
(April 2020)
I first encountered Susan's work via online Kassandra channeling and I loved it because it resonated so deeply within Unity consciousness. One day I was guided to work with her personally and it was a truly beautiful experience. Susan is a beautiful Being, gentle healer, charismatic person and very tuned into Soul integrity in how she works and I recommend her to everyone who wants to expand their Soul horizons! With Love,
Polona Aurea, Slovenia
I have visited Susan a number of times now in Fremantle and I can’t speak more highly of her and her work. Her guidance always makes me feel on top of the world, and it often comes at a time when I need it the most. I really appreciate her unique ability to put into words exactly what I am feeling, which helps me process my thoughts, see a different perspective and approach challenges with a clear focus. She offers practical advice that I can put into action to achieve my goals and what's more is that she genuinely cares about the outcome. Her honest, humble and warm nature is why I'd happily recommend her to anyone who needs some hope, light and guidance in their life.
Kylie, Scarborough, WA
(January 2016)
More than 15 years ago someone recommended to visit a healer/therapist from Australia Susan Ashley who then lived in Ljubljana (Slovenia). I made an appointment for a therapy, but instead during my first visit Kassandra came through, about whom I haven’t heard before. Susan told me that someone would like to talk to me and I of course agreed, and it was Kassandra. This was my first “direct” contact with someone "behind the veil" and it meant a lot to me – it was like coming home. Kassandra told me things, which clarified some important parts of my life and this gave me a new perspective. However the contact with Kassandra, if I look back, meant the most to me. These sessions of ours continued and helped me a lot on my path of personal development. A few years ago I lost in a very short period very dear people and the channeling with Kassandra after these events is still my support, because there is no time and space and it is easier to see the essence of events and relationships.
After we first met, Susan invited me to her women’s group, which gathered once a week to meditate. These gatherings continued uninterruptedly several years and were very beneficial and important for us all. They were honest and deep, with a strong vibration. They were like well functioning organism and in some way we felt that our gatherings are supported. Every time we tackled a concrete matter, which had an importance for the entire group and even for a wider community. And Susan, using her clairvoyance and openness for different worlds and dimensions, managed to channel the right form of meditation. The same went for her workshops.
Another way of getting together were our group channelings of Kassandra. Kassandra was encouraging us on our quest to find something new, she was opening new dimensions and worlds, and above all she was creating a safe place for getting rid of old and entering into a new. We were pioneers in discovering, opening and grounding new worlds. In particular I remember, when Kassandra first mentioned 5th dimension – we literally entered a new world. Later on I started to listen channelings of other well-known channels and Kassandra’s messages were always in the same line as theirs.
I am grateful to Susan and Kassandra that they spent a part of their lives in Slovenia and that we met. But I am convinced that wherever they are, they widen everyone’s horizons.
Ines, Slovenia
(March 2015)
Kassandra is like a wise grandmother to me, with huge insight, and Susan is like a dear mentor... I have often leaned on their advice and am very grateful for all the healing and guidance through the years. It is like having a “direct line to heaven”.. Susan is such an excellent intuitive and medium, I can strongly recommend her workshops, healing and channeling sessions. She is also connecting us on a collective level and her meditations are very strong.
Kristina, Slovenia
(April 2015)
Thank you Susan from my heart to yours for sharing your amazing ability, deep compassion, understanding and insight into my journey through all time space and dimension. This has given me the clarity to understand why I have been experiencing the blocks and attacks that I have during this lifetime on Earth and right now.
Thank you for clearing them!
For anyone reading this that feels that no matter how much devotion they have had to healing their soul and their desire to be able to move forward to live in joy, love, unity and to share their gifts but just never seem to be able to get there, Susan is the healer you need!
I am so grateful for this session.
Much love and many blessings.
Nuno, Luxembourg
Susan is an amazing women and healer. She makes you feel welcome and comfortable from the moment you walk into her home. My sessions have been transformational on so many levels and I would recommend her without reservation.
Louise, Australia
(January, 2016)
Susan’s insight, healing, guidance & support has been a profound part in my transformational journey. She's a beautiful enlightened soul, friend & respected colleague, her support in guiding me to creative success has been paramount & I'm sincerely grateful for her compassion & wisdom in helping me to achieve the best results. Channellings with Kassandra have been powerful in showing me the brilliance of my own light & a valuable resource of inspiration. Susan is an incredible healer & empowering teacher who has helped me to expand my own awareness. I’m forever changed having known her. Thank you my beautiful friend!
Jasmine Safi, Perth
Spiritual Psychic, Author & Creator of the Rainbow Oracle
(May 2016)
I have met Susan Ashley about 15 years ago, when I was totally stuck in my life. Even the first reading with her moved things for me straight away. Then I have experienced her healings, and I have realized there was no need to struggle and that with Susan Ashley’s help I can clear things in my life that were holding me back. Over the years I have had many healings, readings and channelings with Susan Ashley. Every session was mind-blowing and helped me to clear, heal and understand what was happening in my life, and move forward. Susan Ashley’s healing abilities are out of this world. She is an absolutely the best healer I have ever been to. She is also loving, kind, very knowledgeable and generous. When she channels Kassandra, it feels like being back at ‘home’. While in channeling session with Kassandra is probably being the closest to how it feels when you are just love, light and truth, without the earthly body and baggage. The information, insight and love that radiates from Kassandra and Susan cannot be just described with words, it must be experienced and felt. Thank you, Susan Ashley for all you love, light, healing and friendship that have transformed my life. Thank you Kassandra for your Love, Light and Truth and patience to work with us while we are in the human form. I understand it must be pretty frustrating. :)
Alja, Australia
(April 2015)
I watched all your videos on Youtube and I found them very useful, educational and helpful. I found many important information how to rise my consciousness to higher vibration into 5D and how to be connected with my heart to stay in that vibration. Also other important things like power of the group and what is happening with Earth while rising that vibration. For me personal every information was very helpful because I am a person who constantly is searching for info and techniques for spiritual growth. And because of that I am really grateful for everything that you shared and for all your help. THANK YOU SO MUCH, sending you both Love.
Elena, Slovenia
(March 2015)
I have been talking to Kassandra and Susan Ashley for 7 years now - once a year, every year. The first time I was stunned with amount of unexpected, priceless information that I got from her. Information about life, universe, people, souls.... Every next conversation was full of revelations, each time new horizons open to me. I keep recordings from all sessions and still listen them periodically. Some information sinks in only later. Now I consider Kassandra to be my good friend, whom I can always trust. A gentle friend who can provide insights and views which no other friend can. And I am very grateful for this.
Aco, Slovenia (March 2015)
Susan Ashley was always the best guide when I arrived at the crossings on a journey through the mosaic of my life. Thank you Susan Ashley and Kassandra. Soo grateful! Much love 4 all of you...
Mojca, Slovenia
(April 2015)